Racism propagates faster than the epidemic

Publié le par Ecole de Journalisme et Communication de Blagnac

 The first illegal immigrants are not those of whom we think.


This sentence is a warning from the foreign correspondant of El Universal in Washington. Mexican illegal immigrants living in the United States were since a long time « a very vulnerable target in the expressions of racism ». But the Mexican Flu (which is now the A-Flu, thanks to the WHO) « make react the racists in a harder and more virulent way », sometimes by the voice of important media : « Racist groups launched openly discriminatory campaigns, diffusing on Internet numerous messages accusing the Mexicans of being responsible for the situation ». Moreover, under the pressure of latinos journalists, a radio station « punished one of its news anchor, who had asserted that all the immigrants were carrying the virus » adds the diary from Mexico. It also underlines that the illegal immigrants hesitate, if they are sick, to go to the hospital not only because of the price of the consultations but especially by fear of being blacklisted and expelled.


Jean-Baptiste Bouché.

Publié dans Society

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