An account of Economy in 2009: the end of a morose year.

Publié le par Ecole de Journalisme et Communication de Blagnac




After a year, accentuated by different crisis and an important increase of unemployment in many contries of the world, 2010 appears as an restarting year...but, maybe not for everybody....



This year was disturbed by a numerous economic actuality.

At dawn of 2009, majorities of countries were in economic recession, with a lot of consequences for the planet, as we known: decrease of Financial exchanges, and of the world trade and a great increase of unemployment.

The Financial crisis of 2007 remains in the memories.

Indeed, the countries more avanced met a gross domestic product (GDP) in decrease of 4,25%, more strong fall since the WWII.


First of all, the question of the State intervention has rythmed this year.

In fact, during the G20 summit, (a meeting mixing the twenty economics puissances of the world) the States explained the importance of their reactivity and the spendings for saved the world Financial system and after to relance the economy. In the summer, the first signs of restart began.


So, the end of the year annunciated a year for economic restarting for 2010.

But, Greece which didn't respect controlling criteria and with an important trade deficit, put the european area in danger and the euro. A few days ago, the Financial europeans ministers met in Bruxelles, adopt a plan of 750 billions euro to save the countries contaminated by this bad pupil!







Publié dans Economy

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