Gaga, take a break, please.

Publié le par Ecole de Journalisme et Communication de Blagnac



There is no need to present you who is Lady Gaga. The top singer is well known all over the world for a lot of song she wrote and sang. We know too her talent into being able to create buzz every week on the internet and newspapers. But aren't you getting bored of all of this stuff ?


In a way it's normal to talk about talented artists and see their faces into people's magazines. But making everytime stupid stuff for staying on top of the news is kinda sicko. Making a parfume with smell of blood and sperm, going into event wearing meat dress, simulating death and showing more and more provocative videoclips. Is this what you expect from your favorite singer ? I dont think so... The top of the top was recently her advices about Rebecca Black's song. This 13 year old singer is well known on the internet in making a song which is the most hated on Youtube. The song contains very poor lyrics, a bad rythm and shows a big use of vocoder. And the top singer Lady Gaga (who perhaps had nothing else to do this week to create an event around herself) sayed to the entiere world that the people who dislike this song are idiots. But the problem is that she admits that she never heard the song or watched the videoclip. So my question is: Why do you give your advice about something you don't know and treat as idiots other people who knows the subject ?


Perhaps next time Japan will have nuclear problems, we shoud ask Gaga about nuclear fisson? Please Lady Gaga, take some hollidays, and stop trying to create buzz every week, it's starting to buzz us.


Matricule 19

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