Publié le par Ecole de Journalisme et Communication de Blagnac


    October has just begun and autumn is coming. Fortunatly, there isn't spring into the EJC school of Blagnac : october is our spring. This new month announces the restarting of bbnews.over-blog.fr . As a new student here, I can confide you, dear reader, that there is a general feeling of cheerfulness and revivalinto each bloggers.


     We would be enchanted to report in english, we french students. The main news from the world by our different rubrics : sports, culture, fashion... This is the best way to maintain our english level and keep in touch with the journalism side. That's why we really hope you will appeal our articles. A short general presentation of the new members is online now so as you can know us bit better.



     At last, all of the members wish you a good reading on our website, hoping we will broadcast good news !


Jenny Sanchis. 

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