Flipper makes the « Cove-Rage ».

Publié le par Ecole de Journalisme et Communication de Blagnac

Nowadays, the world knows several violences against humans and animals. « The Cove » is a documentary about dolphins slaughters in Japan. Every years, 23,000 dolphins are killed. Indeed, in « the sunrise country », it is allowed to hunt this marine mammal in eight departments. This film is about this inhuman behaviour.

Richard O'barry is the director, he also was the trainer in the famous tv show, « Flipper ». After one tragedy, a dolphin killed himself, he decided to change his point of view about this animal. Today, he fights for the animals' rights and against hunters.

« The Cove », has been rewarded in Sundance festival 2009. Later, Richard was forbidden to enter Japan because he risks jail. Moreover, the movie will not be showed in the island, just in Tokyo festival. You can see the destiny of Flipper's friends from September the 30th.



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